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Welcome to the Spring's movie theater.

We're showing:
Hamilton Pool or Hamilton Springs west of Bee Caves, Texas and Austin, Texas. The spring waters fall over the rim of a large rock shelter, which may have been used by the Indians for thousands of years, into a jade-green pool. Stalactites hang from the roof and mounds of travertine have been built up below, by the evaporation of the water. many bats hide in the ceiling and maidenhair ferns from on the seepy walls. Huge cypress trees and boulders fringe the creek downtstream.

If you have videotapes that you'd like to send to us to play on the Spring, email us and we'll give you the address to send them to, anyone sending us a worthwhile videotape to play will get either a free website and 30 days of Internet access. By "interesting" we mean of interest to our population and of some artistic merit.

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